Wednesday, March 23, 2011

An Evening with the Greenhorns, April 13th at SECCA

Beta Verde is excited to partner with SECCA, Krankies Coffee, Elsewhere Collaborative, Bouwerie and Dogtown Pizza with "An Evening with the Greenhorns". 

The event is focused around the screening of "The Greenhorns", a documentary film on the current young farmer movement (including North Carolina farmers!) and will include a locally-focused cocktail hour and hand-made, delicious pizza pies. There will also be a recycled material mobile bee apiary created for the event with final touches to be made on site by participants.

A collaborative initiative, The Greenhorns’ mission is to recruit, promote and support the new generation of young farmers in this ample and able 21st century America. The film follows The Greenhorns as they travel across the nation to encourage the critical meeting of minds, bodies, and land by helping young and aspiring farmers to navigate career paths, 
build skills, and connect with each other. 

An Evening with The Greenhorns
Wednesday, April 13////5:00 pm

SECCA Grounds and Auditorium

Visit to purchase tickets

Admission includes access to all activities and supper. A cash bar is available.

5pm - Cocktail Hour and Seed Circus
Join Elsewhere Collaborative and their traveling menagerie as we construct an interactive and immersive dining area and space to enjoy regional cocktails. Check out the Seed Circus with the Greenhorns as you swap your favorite seeds and learn more about sustainable agriculture.

6- 7:30pm - Supper
The folks from Dogtown Pizza are serving up hand-made pies out of their mobile oven along with slow cooked beans and green salad by Bouwerie.

8pm - Film screening followed by a Q&A with director Severine von Tscharner Fleming

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